Param([Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$SQLSentryDBInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string]$Domain ) $VerbosePreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ##Determine if DBATools is loaded $LoadedDbaTools = get-module -name DBATools If(!$LoadedDbaTools) { Import-Module 'C:\Program Files\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\DBATools' -Force }else { Write-Verbose 'DBATools is loaded'} <######################### ########################## Using for testing $SQLSentryDBInstance = '' $Domain = '' ########################## ##########################> <######################### ########################## ##Use this only to create your password file $Password = Read-Host 'Enter Password' $Password | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force | ConvertFrom-SecureString | Out-File C:\Creds\passwordfile.txt ########################## ##########################> $user = "domain\username" $password = Get-Content C:\Creds\passwordfile.txt | ConvertTo-SecureString $credential = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential ($user, $password) $AGServersQuery = "SELECT [PrimaryReplica], AG.GroupID,Name, AR.EventSourceConnectionID, AR.ReplicaServerName, AR.DomainName, E.ObjectName FROM [SQLSentry].[AlwaysOn].[AvailabilityGroup] AG JOIN [SQLSentry].[AlwaysOn].[AvailabilityReplica] AR on AG.GroupID = AR.GroupID JOIN [SQLSentry].[dbo].EventSourceConnection E on E.ID = AR.EventSourceConnectionID Where e.IsWatched =1 and AR.DomainName = '$($Domain)'" $AGServers = Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SQLSentryDBInstance -Database SQLSentry -Query $AGServersQuery -SqlCredential $credential -EnableException ForEach($Servername in $AGServers.ObjectName) { Write-host "Checking AG on- -> $($ServerName)" -ForegroundColor Red $IsPrimary = Get-DbaAgReplica -SqlInstance $ServerName -SqlCredential $credential | ?{$_.Role -eq 'Primary'} if($IsPrimary.Role -eq 'Primary') { $Replicas = Get-DbaAgReplica -SqlInstance $ServerName -SqlCredential $credential $PrimaryInstance = $Replicas | ?{$_.role -eq 'Primary'} | Select ComputerName $SecondaryInstance = $Replicas | ?{$_.role -eq 'Secondary'} | Select Name $PrimaryReplica = Get-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $($PrimaryInstance.ComputerName) -ExcludeFilter '##*','NT *' -SqlCredential $credential| ?{$_.IsDisabled -eq $false} | select computername, name $SecondaryReplica = Get-DbaLogin -SqlInstance $($SecondaryInstance.Name) -ExcludeFilter '##*','NT *'-SqlCredential $credential |?{$_.IsDisabled -eq $false} | select computername, name $MissingLogins = Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $PrimaryReplica -DifferenceObject $SecondaryReplica -Property Name -PassThru $Results = $MissingLogins | Select @{N='CurrentServer';E={$_.ComputerName}}, Name $HTML = $Results | ConvertTo-Html -Property CurrentServer, Name -PreContent "

Logins that are only on one Node of AG

" -PostContent "

Creation Date: $(Get-Date)..
From SQL Sentry

" $DBMail = "DECLARE @email_recipients VARCHAR (MAX) SET @email_recipients = '' --Change email recipients here EXEC msdb..sp_sentry_dbmail_20 @profile_name = 'SqlSentry' , @recipients = @email_recipients, @subject = 'Need to Sync Logins for AG-->$($PrimaryInstance.ComputerName).. $($Replicas.AvailabilityGroup[0])', @body = '$($HTML)', @body_format = 'HTML', @execute_query_database = 'msdb'" Invoke-DbaQuery -SqlInstance $SQLSentryDBInstance -Database MSDB -Query $DBMail -SqlCredential $credential } } ##ForEach Block